Friday, May 18, 2012

Fibromyalgia pain

Fibromyalgia pain is a condition when you feel severe headaches, pain in muscles, back, neck and other parts of your body. If you don’t suffer from fibromyalgia you will not know what difficult conditions the sufferers experience.

People often ask a lot of questions about fibromyalgia pain. What is it and what are the reasons of pain? How one can live with this problem? How does it change people’s life?

Let’s learn more about pain itself. What is it? Pain is an unpleasant feeling that indicates your organism that something bad has happened with it. Your brain warns you about danger and you get rid of problem by the means of treatment of the affected area. But what to do if you feel pain constantly, if you live with it and have no ideas why it occurs? In fact sometimes pain is not a symptom that indicates the problem in the organism but also a sickness as itself.

How to learn whether you have casual pain or pain connected with fibromyalgia?

If you feel pain constantly but your body is not injured this is a sign of fibromyalgia. Everybody knows about pain in muscles after hard work or physical exercises. So, imagine that you did nothing but feel like this. Your muscles burn and you feel huge pain that is as if you were stabbed against your body. People can feel huge pain in back, neck, shoulders and hips.

Fibromyalgia pain relief is a question of a very big importance for the sufferers. How to reduce pain and improve life?

Fibromyalgia is a disease that occurs with different people and its duration is also different. You must find the very cure that suits only for you. If you get a combination of treatment methods you will achieve better results.

So, what are these remedies?

  1. Prescription remedies. These are pills for fibromyalgia treatment prescribed by doctors.
  2. Alternative medicine such as acupuncture, massages, chiropractic, hypnotherapy etc.
  3. Nutritional supplements are supposed to be effective in fibromyalgia cure with some people’s reports.
  4. Brain chemistry regulation. If you know exact signs that are connected with various transmitters of nerves you can find out which cure you require.
  5. Change of diet. If you change your diet habits you can be successful in fibromyalgia treatment.
  6. Light sport exercises reduce pain if you repeat that every day.
  7. More time of sleep. If you give your body more rest and sleep you can develop pain reduction.
Now let’s discuss such question like fibromyalgia pain points.
They are usually used to diagnose the disease. It is important to know what parts of the body feel pain and then it will be possible to find the proper treatment.

Pain in different parts of the body indicates the fibromyalgia problems, that you have and thus it will be easier to find medicine.

Here is a list of fibromyalgia pain points:

  1. pain on your skull base
  2. on your neck
  3. pain in upper part of shoulders
  4. back
  5. elbows pain
  6. lower back pain
  7. thigh pain
  8. inside knee pain
If you even slightly touch these areas you feel pain. It doesn’t hurt very severely put pain is concentrated.

So, now when you have some information about fibromyalgia pain it will be easier for you to find the best solution of this problem. You can always consult a doctor to get more information about your condition.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fibromyalgia diagnosis

Usually it is rather difficult to make fibromyalgia diagnosis. It is connected with the fact that this disease has a lot of symptoms which match with the symptoms of many other rheumatic conditions.
Experience of quite a numerous number of people, who now have fibromyalgia diagnosis, shows that they visited a lot of different specialists before they know their disease for sure. It is almost important for doctors to make the fibromyalgia diagnosis only on the base of two main symptoms of this condition which include fatigue and pain. These symptoms overlap with the symptoms of many other diseases. For example, the first symptom – fatigue – is a common feeling which is experienced by people who suffer from arthritis and rheumatic diseases. This unpleasant state of the individual’s health may be caused by several reasons. Among the most popular ones it is possible to distinguish such items as poor sleep, stress, chronic pain, depression or anxiety, inflammation, poor activity, some diets etc. So you see that a lot of different diseases may cause fatigue. At the same time a lot of listened above causes of fatigue are characteristic features of fibromyalgia. That is why it is important for doctors who are specialized in arthritis and related diseases (rheumatologists) to take into consideration all these factors before making fibromyalgia diagnosis.
Diagnosing fibromyalgia is rather difficult not only for one reason that you already know. It is also connected with the current situation when no diagnostic laboratory test for this disease is available. Unfortunately even in our XXI century it is impossible to find out real physiological reasons of pain in the complicated person’s organism. This leads to inability in diagnosing some diseases like fibromyalgia. Some doctors may conclude that pain of their patients is not real because of the absence of generally accepted objective tests. Also the other case is possible when the doctor who swore to treat people and help them with the health problems can only answer that he would like to help but cannot do anything or only a little. 
Luckily there exist some criteria for making fibromyalgia diagnosis. For doctors who are familiar with the condition of fibromyalgia it is not really difficult to make such a diagnosis basing on two criteria. The first criterion is connected with the time during which you feel the pain. That is why if you are disturbing by pain over three month, this pain has a widespread character it is impossible to tell your rheumatologist about this. Maybe exactly on this basement the diagnosis would be made. Widespread character of the pain means that all four quadrants of your body are affected by pain. If you experience pain in your right and left sides of the body and above and below the waist it is an “alarm bell” for you. In this case you are to make an appointment in the doctor’s office. The second criterion is the presence of tender points. There are eighteenth of them on the individual’s body. They are located in the areas of neck, shoulders, elbows, back, hips, chest, arms, legs and knees. All of them are bilateral, that is why under the condition of this disease you will experience pain at the right and left sides of the body in the same location.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fibromyalgia causes

Modern medicine doesn’t know the exact fibromyalgia causes. The only one thing that is already known is that fibromyalgia sufferers develop some changes in their organism. The reasons why fibromyalgia happens haven’t been discovered yet.

What are the changes in the human body caused by this disease? They are the following: painful massages, poor hormones level, problems with sleeping.

Let’s learn more about the changes happen due fibromyalgia causes?

Among the most common fibromyalgia causes are pain messages that all parts of human body achieve.

Now, let’s describe how it works.
Information to all body parts is transferred by the means of special cells by the central nervous system. The fibromyalgia sufferers feel pain when this information is transmitted and why it happens is still undiscovered. People are very sensitive to pain if they have fibromyalgia.

There are a number of hormones, lack of which causes of fibromyalgia. These hormones are the following: noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.
Noradrenaline is responsible for stressful conditions.
Dopamine deals with your behavior and mood. It is also responsible for your studying abilities.
Serotonin deals with your appetite, mood and sleep.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia you will face problems with sleeping and you feel very tired, you also feel more pain than usually. Sleep problems are the result of other fibromyalgia symptoms.
What causes fibromyalgia? There are some conditions that can cause this disease.
If you have got body injure, psychological problems like losing your dear people etc, infected by viruses or bacteria, feel depression, inherited it on genetic level, fibromyalgia has bigger chances for development.

Genetic inheritance is one of fibromyalgia causes. They get this trouble because genes. And this is one of explanations why this condition develops.

Are there some other fibromyalgia causes?

There are other cases that can develop this disease. It is called secondary fibromyalgia.
Among them you can define metabolic imbalance, also known as underactive thyroid. It happens if the thyroid glands don’t generate the thyroid hormones in necessary quantity.
Inflammatory disturbance becomes a reason for aches in the human body (for example this is arthritis).

Sometimes it can be that no cause is determined but there are a few of them in combination that lead to fibromyalgia.

Lifestyle modifications including regular exercise, good sleep habits, emotional support, and complementary treatments help manage fibromyalgia symptoms.

So, now when we have some information about fibromyalgia causes it is necessary to figure out about cure of this disease.

What should you do to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
You need to change your way of life. All you need is to get rid of bad habits, do physical exercises and go in for sport, change mood for better with your dear people help, sleep and rest more. All these activities are very helpful in fibromyalgia treatment.