medicine doesn’t know the exact fibromyalgia causes. The only one thing that is
already known is that fibromyalgia sufferers develop some changes in their
organism. The reasons why fibromyalgia happens haven’t been discovered yet.
What are
the changes in the human body caused by this disease? They are the following:
painful massages, poor hormones level, problems with sleeping.
Let’s learn
more about the changes happen due fibromyalgia causes?
Among the
most common fibromyalgia causes are pain messages that all parts of human body
Now, let’s
describe how it works.
to all body parts is transferred by the means of special cells by the central
nervous system. The fibromyalgia sufferers feel pain when this information is
transmitted and why it happens is still undiscovered. People are very sensitive
to pain if they have fibromyalgia.
There are a
number of hormones, lack of which causes of
fibromyalgia. These hormones are the following: noradrenaline, dopamine
and serotonin.
is responsible for stressful conditions.
deals with your behavior and mood. It is also responsible for your studying
deals with your appetite, mood and sleep.
If you suffer from fibromyalgia you will face
problems with sleeping and you feel very tired, you also feel more pain than
usually. Sleep problems are the result of other fibromyalgia symptoms.
What causes fibromyalgia? There are some conditions that can
cause this disease.
If you have got body injure, psychological
problems like losing your dear people etc, infected by viruses or bacteria,
feel depression, inherited it on genetic level, fibromyalgia has bigger chances
for development.
Genetic inheritance is one of fibromyalgia
causes. They get this trouble because genes. And this is one of explanations
why this condition develops.
Are there some other fibromyalgia causes?
There are other cases that can develop this
disease. It is called secondary fibromyalgia.
Among them you can define metabolic imbalance,
also known as underactive thyroid. It happens if the thyroid glands don’t
generate the thyroid hormones in necessary quantity.
Inflammatory disturbance becomes a reason for
aches in the human body (for example this is arthritis).
Sometimes it can be that no cause is determined
but there are a few of them in combination that lead to fibromyalgia.
modifications including regular exercise, good sleep habits, emotional support,
and complementary treatments help manage fibromyalgia symptoms.
So, now
when we have some information about fibromyalgia causes it is necessary to
figure out about cure of this disease.
What should
you do to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
You need to
change your way of life. All you need is to get rid of bad habits, do physical
exercises and go in for sport, change mood for better with your dear people
help, sleep and rest more. All these activities are very helpful in
fibromyalgia treatment.